Nursing takes part in health sciences devoted to take care and bring medical attention to people from all ages, families, groups and communities, sick people or healthy, at any circumstance, and following different medical attention protocols. It also comprehends the health promotion, the prevention of diseases and the medical attention to handicapped people or to patients on a terminal situation as well.
This specialty requires a leadership that allows participating in policy-making, in creating new ideas and in helping solve daily problems.
The nurses must create some conditions for a consistent improvement and a high quality of provided services. Here, the communication is a key source for the success on the nursing leadership, promoting interrelationships with the client, the institution, the medical team and the other actors.
The institutions with a solid nursing leadership are furthered with a great and a better development of people that interacts in the process of patient’s care, giving to patients a high quality service, with a deep human and professional sense that responds to their health needs.
The Central Clinic “Cira García” has a team of 95 graduates in Nursing with a high scientific training degree, a sense of belonging, and human ethical qualities proper to their formation. They also have a continuous professional upgrading, for a result of 39 nurses with a M.Sc. degree in Nursing and Medical Emergencies.
This specialty is present in all areas of medical service in our institution. The nurses give the service of home medical attention. They also escort the patients from and to the International Airport “José Martí”, and participate in sanitary evacuations if the patient requires it.